in New York, New York
  • 99% effective
  • Lasts up to 12 years
  • Can contain estrogen

What is an IUD?

IUD stands for intrauterine device. An IUD is a small, flexible device shaped like a T that is placed inside your uterus by your gynecologist. There are two types of IUDs, and each works differently. One type is made with copper, which makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg during ovulation (since sperm don’t like copper). The other type of IUD uses hormones to thicken cervical mucus and prevent ovulation from happening. IUDs can last for years inside the uterus, but they will need to be replaced eventually. Your gynecologist can also remove it at any time.

Is an IUD right for me?

IUDs are one of the most effective birth control methods available. One of the greatest benefits is that you can choose between a hormonal or non-hormonal type based on your health and preferences. Hormonal options can even reduce or stop your periods. If you’re looking for a long-term method that is not permanent, then IUDs are an effective and hassle-free option. Once inserted, you won’t need to do anything with it until you want it taken out or replaced. Additionally, you can become pregnant soon after taking out your IUD so there’s no long time delay if you decide to have kids.

What are the risks?

There are certain health conditions that may indicate an IUD is not your best option (or that you may be a better candidate for a different type of IUD). Some of the risks of IUDs include misplacement or displacement which means it may not be as effective. This can also cause cramping or discomfort. It’s possible for an IUD to damage the wall of the uterus, requiring surgery for removal, but this is very rare. If you notice discomfort or that your IUD feels like it moved out of place (as in, the strings feel longer than usual or you can feel the plastic bottom), you should see your gynecologist as soon as possible. An IUD will not protect against STDs, so you should still use additional protection like a condom.

How do I get started on an IUD?

Once you and your gynecologist decide the right type of IUD for you, we can insert your IUD during an appointment at our office. This can be uncomfortable for some women, so it’s commonly recommended to take some over-the-counter painkillers before your appointment. The process is quick and usually takes less than five minutes, after which you can return home. You may experience some mild cramping and spotting after an IUD insertion, but this goes away within a few months.

Schedule a Consultation

IUDs are one of the best options available if you want birth control that doesn’t require any maintenance and is effective for many years. To learn more about your IUD options, contact our New York City office by calling or filling out our online form.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can a family doctor remove an IUD?

Any doctor or nurse who put in an IUD can remove it for you. You should not try to remove it yourself.

Can a tampon pull out an IUD?

It is safe to use a tampon with an IUD. A tampon will not go past your cervix, while an IUD is placed within the uterus.

Can I remove my own IUD?

In order to assure safe and painless removal, you should always have your IUD removed in the office by your provider. While the removal is very simple and quick, removing it yourself puts you at risk of injuring yourself.

Can IUD cause depression?

Despite the fact that it is exceedingly rare for a progestin IUD to have systemic effects, side effects such as depression and anxiety have been reported in people using hormonal (progestin) IUDs (Liletta, Skyla, Mirena, Kyleena).

Can IUD cause odor?

An IUD should never cause an unpleasant odor. If you experience redness, itchiness, odor, or irritation after you have an IUD placed, be sure the seek medical care.

Can IUD strings poke?

In rare cases the male partner can experience discomfort with interxourse if the tip of the penis is near the IUD strings; in those cases, then gynecologist can easily shorten then with a brief office visit

Can your body reject an IUD?

Your body cannot reject an IUD, but something called IUD expulsion can occur, although rare. This is when the IUD has been nudged out of its ideal position at the top of your uterus. In some cases, it can come out completely. During IUD expulsion, you may experience bleeding, cramping, pain during sex, or are suddenly unable to locate the strings of your IUD. Notify your health care professional with any concerns related to this.

Do IUDs make you gain weight?

Most IUD users do not gain weight. Some users may have temporary bloating when using both non-hormonal IUDs and hormonal IUDs.

“Dr. Stephanie Lam and the staff provided the best service. I even got the flu shot after my appointment.”

-Elizabeth G.
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